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High End Cable | ACEcom Systems INC.
(045) 982 – 7924 / 982 – 9185 / 09175144595 / 09292480772 sales@acecom.com.ph

High End Cable

Cable Television has been an essential component in lodgings, commercial accommodations and various hotels.  Catering to a growing understanding to fully satisfy clients, hotel establishments have embraced the design to fully provide cable television, translating to rapidly increasing expenses.  Due to the fact that Cable TV providers have implemented a “one cable box per TV” strategy, (which primarily caters to home subscriptions), business establishments who offer multiple television sets are basically left with skyrocketing cable bills.

Multiply your cable signal from a single subscription

Head End Terminal enables you to multiply your cable signal from a single  subscription and spread it throughout your establishment to as many units as you require.  An investment in a Head End Cable unit allows your business to drastically reduce cable bills.


  • Save money on multiply TVs, bring down monthly expenses
  • No lock in period allows for a more versatile subscription
  • Full technical support
  • Avail of free to air channels
  • Advanced technology provides options unavailable for regular subscriptions
  • Control the number of channels you need and control your subscription rate

Avail of both local and international programs